In order to understand the development direction of HME carefully and accurately, we should lay more emphasis on the basic issues of HME, such as subject orientation, system info, and problem region. 军事装备史学是一门正在建立中的学科,学科定位、理论体系、问题域等一些基本问题需要深入研究,才能牢牢把握军事装备史学发展方向。
The beginning of the presentation touches upon the company values that point in the direction of expectations but doesn't go far enough to lay those out. 报告的开始部分就谈及了企业价值问题,而且是按照员工的立场角度写的,可惜并没有把这个问题展开。
Presently, the register device of domestic sheet-fed offset press could adjust two direction of side lay and vertical register, however could not adjust diagonal register, and lack automatic register control system, and require developing. 目前国内的单张纸胶印机的套准机构一般只有周向和轴向两个方向,对角线方向的套准机构还处于空白阶段,而且尚缺乏成熟的自动套准控制系统,亟待研制开发。
Under the Direction of Employment, Lay Stress on Cultivating Professional Quality of Students in the Teaching of Three-scale Platform of Higher Vocational Education 以就业为导向在高职三级平台教学中注重学生职业素质培养
Government controlled by law, which can be showed in the following three aspects. They are the new angle of controlment based on blindness of administrative power expanding ( APE), new direction based on multiplicity of APE and new lay based on bottom of APE. 现代行政控权的途径可以从三个方面来看:基于行政权盲目扩张的控制新角度、基于行政权多样扩张的控制新方向和基于行政权底面扩张的控制新层面。
It is the reform direction of political class to lay stress on political philosophy, social philosophy, ethics philosophy, law philosophy and logic positivism philosophy. 在教学中突出政治哲学、社会哲学、伦理哲学、法哲学和逻辑实证哲学取向,是政治课教学改革的方向性努力。
To introduce the use, structure, equipment and method of spinning of wire ropes with alternate direction of lay Manufacture of Wire Ropes with Alternate Direction of Lay 介绍捻向沿绳长交替变化的钢绳&变捻向钢绳的用途、构造、生产设备和捻制方法
Pushing the Development of Higher Vocational Education under the Direction of Employment Under the Direction of Employment, Lay Stress on Cultivating Professional Quality of Students in the Teaching of Three-scale Platform of Higher Vocational Education 以就业为导向推动高职教育的全面创新以就业为导向在高职三级平台教学中注重学生职业素质培养
Exploration of the direction of lay of the outmost layer of the segment conductors in 0.6/1 kV Si-XLPE power cables 0.6/1kV硅烷交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆扇形导体最外层绞向的探讨